Gone Fishin'
The Boy and I have been on a mission - we've been helping a friend set up home; a role with which I'm sure you are familiar. It involves...
The Boy and I have been on a mission - we've been helping a friend set up home; a role with which I'm sure you are familiar. It involves...
If you look at the dates of my postings, you’ll see there’s been a brief hiatus whilst we put all of our energy into getting the Hanging...
I have the sense that I can see the future. Now, before you come rushing round to ask for the winning lottery numbers, I should explain...
I've been back down to see The Boy and been struck by how much I have taught him. He's learned my "why buy a small pack when there is a...
There are some stories that stick with you. The newspaper article that spawned Scapegoat is one of them, and a story I was told in a bar...
I went to use my spirit level yesterday. Now we all know that a spirit level is a device we use to see if something is level by lining up...
As I said in the last post, our lovely day on Sunday started at Quality Foods before we headed off to lunch and - in my case - a jog...
Mrs Champion and I had a lovely day yesterday. We went and did our food shopping at Quality Foods in Hayes - an experience I'll write...
I have to admit to a second fault. Yes, I know I've already confessed to the fault of Over-Engineering, and you doubt whether there can...
Nick has read my last post and taken issue. I have to concede that he does have a point where I mention a sketch on the back of an...
We've come back home from Devon and visiting The Boy. All-in-all Hendrix was a resounding success, and The Boy is now able to lose...
That was all really straightforward. I'm not entirely sure how we lost the tape measure, but I can only assume it disappeared when The...
I'm down in Devon at the moment, catching up with The Boy. We had father and son time yesterday assembling one of those 5 different-sized...
I'm having to channel my inner Branigan and say there's more 5 Star feedback on Amazon - the Alan in me would be quite content to stay...
Nicola added a map to the site which shows where visitors are coming from. Before I stepped in and moved the map, there were pins in New...
The easiest part of self-publishing seems to be writing the book. Suddenly I find myself in a world of blogs, tweets, web pages and...
I've now published Scapegoat online in e-Reader and Printed versions. The next thing for me to do is start to promote it - in the next...