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Gone Fishin'

The Boy and I have been on a mission - we've been helping a friend set up home; a role with which I'm sure you are familiar. It involves...

Who needs instructions?

If you look at the dates of my postings, you’ll see there’s been a brief hiatus whilst we put all of our energy into getting the Hanging...

"It's technology Jim, but not as we know it..."

I have the sense that I can see the future. Now, before you come rushing round to ask for the winning lottery numbers, I should explain...

"The force is strong with this one..."

I've been back down to see The Boy and been struck by how much I have taught him. He's learned my "why buy a small pack when there is a...

You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off...

There are some stories that stick with you. The newspaper article that spawned Scapegoat is one of them, and a story I was told in a bar...

The other way of testing for mains electricity

I went to use my spirit level yesterday. Now we all know that a spirit level is a device we use to see if something is level by lining up...

Am I the only one to hear voices?

As I said in the last post, our lovely day on Sunday started at Quality Foods before we headed off to lunch and - in my case - a jog...

Sitting with the Fiddler - on the Roof

Mrs Champion and I had a lovely day yesterday. We went and did our food shopping at Quality Foods in Hayes - an experience I'll write...

My other woman

I have to admit to a second fault. Yes, I know I've already confessed to the fault of Over-Engineering, and you doubt whether there can...

Garden plans - a correction

Nick has read my last post and taken issue. I have to concede that he does have a point where I mention a sketch on the back of an...

Gardening - the other way

We've come back home from Devon and visiting The Boy. All-in-all Hendrix was a resounding success, and The Boy is now able to lose...

Hendrix is up!

That was all really straightforward. I'm not entirely sure how we lost the tape measure, but I can only assume it disappeared when The...

Jimi Hendrix and more writing

I'm down in Devon at the moment, catching up with The Boy. We had father and son time yesterday assembling one of those 5 different-sized...

More feedback

I'm having to channel my inner Branigan and say there's more 5 Star feedback on Amazon - the Alan in me would be quite content to stay...

Now there's a map!

Nicola added a map to the site which shows where visitors are coming from. Before I stepped in and moved the map, there were pins in New...


The easiest part of self-publishing seems to be writing the book. Suddenly I find myself in a world of blogs, tweets, web pages and...

Scapegoat is now online!

I've now published Scapegoat online in e-Reader and Printed versions. The next thing for me to do is start to promote it - in the next...


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